Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm on Carrie & Danielle!
Leaves Q&A #5
No, please leave the tail at the top, too. The larger tree is going to be in the form of a banner, and I'll use the tails at both ends to attach the leaves to the background.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Style Statement: Creative Joy
Writer. Designer. Mama.
An object that I cherish: a teacup, made by hand: imperfect, poetic, fine.
Even thought it's completely over the top, I secretly love: flowers in hair.
My definition of sexy: naked & happy.
What I'd like more of in my life: friends, dancing, walks in the woods.
If I had more of that, I'd feel: joyful, connected.
I'm my best self when: I'm well rested and fed.
If I could become a master of anything, I would like to know the most about: color.
I am the kind of friend who: might not call for a few months, but will carefully consider, and maybe even make, your Christmas present.
The best material gift I've ever received: my engagement ring.
I cherish it because: It was designed for me. It embodies my husband's love. It sparkles.
Some works of art that have moved me are:
I describe my inner rhythm as: Vivaldi, Bach
My favorite flower is: Pink lilies.
If this flower had its own personality, I would describe it as: exuberant, large, unafraid to be what it is.
My favorite form of play is: tickling my sons.
Creative means to me: artistic, fertile, rich, expansive, design, make, compose, dance, poetic, sing, mother, handmade
Joy means to me: light, life, laughter, bubbles, sparkles, sexy, rich, happy
Also, read about my Style Statement Journey.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Style Statement: the Journey
I've struggled with style for a long time. I always figured that once I figured out what I want to do when I grow up, I'd also know how to dress. The logic fails there a bit, when you consider that not all architects, or writers, or professors dress alike--not by a long shot! But in the meantime, I had developed a fairly stable, non-offensive, somewhat dull style that I'll call "classic." And a thing for red shoes.
So I was thrilled when I came across Carrie & Danielle in Domino magazine, and beyond thrilled when I heard about their book.
The gist is this: you answer a flood of insightful, provocative, soul-searching questions, then you sift and sort through your answers, and you come up with a two word "style statement" that sums you up, body and soul.
I pulled two more: Classic and Joy. The description of "Classic" in the Style Vocabulary hadn't particularly stuck out at me, but my synonyms sounded like home: "quiet, tasteful, supportive, strong, proven, simple, complex, independent, elegant, clean". Joy turned out to be what I was trying to get to with Light, without the "fewer calories" connotation: "light, life, laughter, bubbles, sparkles, sexy, rich, happy".
This was it!! Classic Joy! I wrote it down and did a dance for my 9 month old son! I could see my Classic Joy living room. I picked out a Classic Joy haircut. It explained SO MUCH. I promised myself to save up for an Hermes Red Berry scarf.
Then I mentioned it to my husband. "Classic? Classical? I don't really see it." I read him my synonyms, and he scrunched up his nose. "Well, I was thinking of Creative, too..." "Yes! That's you - you're totally creative. Creative Joy - I love it!"
Hrmph. Now, I often feel that my husband knows me better than I know myself. But I wanted to be right on this one. I argued that Creative felt like WHAT I do, not HOW I do it. Yes, I'm a creative person. But it doesn't feel like a style to me. (I was still reeling from that purple sofa image.)
So I decided to give it a test drive. I bought a "Classic Joy" handbag on ebay. It arrived. And it was nice. A little conservative. In my mind, the style statement was becoming "Classic (but not conservative) Joy."
Then I went shopping. Whenever I shop, I always struggle to find a middle ground between "boring" and "dumb." "Classic" seemed to be that middle ground. I came home with really useful stuff - black trousers, a nice turtleneck sweater, a pair of jeans that fit. Nice. A little conservative.
Your style statement is supposed to help with more than just clothes. It's supposed to be a guidepost for building a life. And in that sense, Classic Joy wasn't really working for me. It explained where I am--technical writer, huge corporation, thing for red shoes--but not where I want to go.
By the next morning, a new little voice was whispering... "there is poetry and fire in my soul." I sat down with a pencil and notepad to figure this out.
Creative Light...Damn if my husband wasn't right.
Classic Joy
Poetic Fire
Creative Classic
Creative Joy
Classic felt right because it was where I have been living for a long time. It's safe. It's frugal (and you've gotta know I love a bargain). But it's not my core. Creative makes my stomach squirm a little bit, because I know that Carrie & Danielle are going to make me own it.
- That means, instead of using my creativity to feed my frugal itch...
That new sweater is too expensive. Instead, I will buy one at goodwill, rip it up, and knit a new one with the yarn." (yes, I actually did this in college.)
...using my frugal self to feed my creativity.I will save up for truly gorgeous yarn, so that I can wear a work of art.
- That means saying no to the MBA and maybe to the MFA.
- That means doing morning pages once my boys are asleep.
- That means digging out some old manuscripts from digital mothballs.
Deep breath. Whoo boy.
Also, read my Style Statement Profile.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Leaves Q&A #4
I don't think I'll be able to use more than a few hundred, total. The response so far has been very encouraging! If you're really on a roll, send me what you've got now, so that I can get started on assembly.
Thanks everyone!
Leaves Q&A #3
No need to press, thanks! I think they look more "natural" unpressed.
They will be coming through the customs as "knitted ornaments" as I think the Customs people might get suspicious of something marked "leaves".... could possibly be finest Canadian weed.
You make a very good point!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Leaves Q&A #2
Yes, they're fairly small. Depending on the yarn and the needles you use, they range from 2-4" long. If you want to make them a bit larger, do another row of YOs, to get to 11 st total, then decrease the same way.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Leaves Q&A #1
I'd like to receive all the leaves by October 11, though the sooner the better. I have to assemble this thing and get it photographed well before the end of October to make the deadline for my book.
What will happen to the tree once it is complete?
You know, I hadn't thought much about it--I've been so wrapped up in the book. I will hold onto it at first to use in any publicity appearances for the book--I think it'll be a great showpiece. (The finished tree will be about 4' tall). When all the book hoopla is done, I may donate it to a children's hospital or shelter. Does anyone know of a place that would accept it?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Hey Knitters!! Call for Leaves

Please help me knit a Tree of Life to be featured in my upcoming book, Knit It Together. (See, we're knitting the tree together. Get it? Get it?)
Here are all the details.
Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Update: click here to see all updates and Q&As on this project.